
Top 5 Deer Food Plot Fails

Top 5 Deer Food Plot Fails The top deer food plot plantings may not be the prettiest, even though they are the most effective. Beautiful food plots planted with the wrong food plot variety at the wrong time of the year for deer, can still be epic failures. Planting food plots for deer fails more often than not, because folks don't understand how and when to grow their plots. The latest magic bean or seed lures good folks into spending their hard earned dollars on a food plot that is a failure before even being planted. However, if you stick to the food plot basics and make sure that you avoid these 5 common food plot failures, you will be on the track towards food plot success. For the past 8 years I have been extremely fortunate to use Northwoods Whitetails seed blends for my food plots, screening and switchgrass plantings. Make sure to check them out at

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