
EVICTION NOTICE?: AOC's Impending Eviction From Congress

EVICTION NOTICE?: AOC's Impending Eviction From Congress AOC recently learned that her seat may be squeezed out due to the open border policies she supports as the City reported “ A review by THE CITY, building on data and analysis by The Texas Tribune, suggests Ocasio-Cortez’ district could be particularly vulnerable to undercount because a little over a quarter of those living there are non-citizens. That’s a higher percentage than any other congressional district in the state.

A Census undercount in Ocasio-Cortez’ district and elsewhere in the state could lead to the elimination of congressional districts — potentially setting off politically charged redistricting battles.New York already is on track to lose up to two congressional seats during reapportionment due to population decline and slower rate of growth, according to a December report by Election Data Services.”


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