
Shooting shocks Gun Controlled Japan with Automatic Rifle

Shooting shocks Gun Controlled Japan with Automatic Rifle Japan Shooting

Anti-gunners will bring up places like the UK, Australia, and Japan saying, “See! They don’t have these problems because they have strict gun laws” and to that, I say, “Then how did this happen?

Understand, Japan was the First Nation to impose gun laws in the whole world. If Japanese people want to own a gun, they must attend an all-day class, pass a written test, and achieve at least 95% accuracy during a shooting-range test. Then, they must pass a mental-health evaluation, which takes place at a hospital, and pass a background check, in which the government digs into their criminal record and interviews friends and family.

Even after all of this, they are only allowed to buy shotguns and air rifles.  

Yet, according to the multiple stories I read, this guy had a fully automatic rifle, a submachine gun, and a revolver.

You can make all the laws you want. Criminals are going to get their hands on guns. I am all for making laws that attempt to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, what I am not for are laws that attempt to keep guns out of the hands of criminals by taking them from everyone.

Give us your guns, we’ll keep you safe. The famous first words of every oppressive government. Governments love to use violent crime as the perfect excuse to disarm the people. Think about it. If we give up our guns and the government fail to keep us safe, do you think we’ll just be able to ask for our guns back?

The Second Amendment wasn’t written to tell us what we can do, it was written to tell the government what they can’t do. No group of people have become safer by giving up their guns. 10-12k gun homicides in a country with over 300 million people is not a gun problem. Especially, when 80% of those deaths are in very specific areas in the country. Stop letting the media scare you into giving up your freedoms.

Mass shootings account for a statistical zero in this country and though Japan has little to no mass shootings, they still have mass stabbings.

In 2016, 19 residents at a care home for people with mental disabilities were stabbed to death.

In 2008, a 24-year-old unemployed man who wanted to “end his boring life” went on a stabbing spree in Ibaraki, killing two people and injuring seven.

In the same year, a 25-year-old man stabbed and killed seven people and injured ten in Akihabara, a busy shopping hub in Tokyo.

At the end of the day, anti-gunners are comparing the US to countries whose citizens never really had a right to bear arms in the first place. We have 300 million guns in this country and the freedom to own those guns. There is no other country like us.
Our gun rights aren’t a curse, they’re a gift. Do you think the people in Japan can check their government? I don’t know about you but I’ll take unsafe Freedom over oppressed “Safety” any day.

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Colion Noir,MrColion Noir,Concealed Carry,

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