
The Easiest Way To Open A Can Without A Can Opener

The Easiest Way To Open A Can Without A Can Opener Imagine you find yourself alone,in a basement, after the zombie apocalypse finally hits. Lucky you, this basement was stocked by a doomsday prepper whose meticulous preparation has finally paid dividends. You've got all the canned food you're ever going to need from now until, well, doomsday.

But wait. With horror, you realize there's one key thing missing: there's no can opener! But don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to appreciate the irony as you slowly starve to death while surrounded by all that food.

Okay, probably not. But this scenario is a favorite fictional trope, played out in sources as diverse as science fiction stories, comic strips, and even episodes of Looney Tunes and South Park.

In reality, though, the situation holds a lot less terror than you might think. For one thing, many canned foods these days come with ring pulls, eliminating the need for a can opener altogether. Even if your basement-stocking prepper had a preference for good old fashioned non-pull tab canned goods, however, there's still a fairly easy way you can open a can.

No, actually you can replace that missing can opener with another basic kitchen utensil: a simple spoon.

And surely, there will be a spoon in that underground bunker. After all, not even a zombie would eat pork and beans with its fingers.

While Country Living magazine supplies several can opener-free methods of prying open aluminum cans, they recommend the spoon method as being the easiest and safest, although admitting it does require some "brute force." That method involves gripping the spoon handle with four of your fingers while resting your pinky in the spoon bowl for stabilization. Once you've got your spoon firmly in your grasp this way, rub it along the crimped edge of the can until you wear a hole in the metal it should be fairly thin at the joint. Once you've got a hole that's big enough, insert the spoon and use it to pry the lid up as far as you can and then scoop out the can's contents. If you find yourself without a spoon, you can also utilize this same method with a screwdriver, a pocket knife, or a fork.

Keep watching the video to see the easiest way to open a can without a can opener!

#KitchenHacks #CanOpener

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