
Lead Nurturing, Part 2: Try, Buy, Refer and Repeat with Jeff & Lori Poole

Lead Nurturing, Part 2: Try, Buy, Refer and Repeat with Jeff & Lori Poole

The typical decision-making process a person goes through prior to purchasing is described in industry speak as a sales funnel. The most common versions of a sales funnel include the Awareness (just browsing), Interest (actively comparison shopping), Desire (wanting you over your competitors), and Action (being ready to book) stages. Last month, we explored drip emails that nurtured your lead up until the moment of the sale—just before the Action stage. However, in an industry where repeat business and referrals are crucial, it’s important not to neglect your clients who have actually booked. This month, we’re exploring an alternate version of the funnel that continues to nurture your client through the sales process and beyond. These additional funnel steps can be referred to as Sales and Loyalty.

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