Reviewing Google's Pixel 4 XL smartphone over a month after the big launch, to see how the battery life, camera tech, Android 10 features and performance hold up against the competition. I've been using this mighty new handset as my full-time personal phone and there's lots to love, but also lots to cause consternation. Check out my Pixel 4 XL unboxing for a full run-down of the specs, and in this review we go more in-depth with the everyday user experience.
The primary reason for buying Google's most premium blower remains that camera tech. Here you get a fresh dual lens shooter with telephoto zoom, plus boosted HDR photo smarts. The Pixel 4 phones are definitely among the very best camera devices as we head into 2020.
It's hard to fault the performance or Android UI either, although most of the Pixel 4 XL's new exclusive features aren't of much use to everyday folk. Stuff like the sonar tech is very cool, but not a game changer, while the security issues are a problem.
However, it's the battery life that really lets this handset down. You'll just about make it through a full 16-hour day on a single charge, if you don't lean on the Pixel 4 XL too hard. Not great considering the likes of the OnePlus 7T boast greater longevity, plus very similar specs, for hundreds of pounds less.
That's my full review, but what do you think about Google's new flagships?