
Talking with Yourself in the Present Moment

Talking with Yourself in the Present Moment The Presence Projects presents episode 51 of the "Are You Being Present?" podcast series.  Join host Paul Kerzner for a relevant, meaningful and thought-provoking presentation examining the importance of Presence and the conversations we have with ourselves.

The title and topic of this episode is "Talking with Yourself in the Present Moment" and was selected to help exemplify the need for Presence when engaged in self-talk.  As Paul has mentioned in previous podcasts, Presence provides clarity which allows the individual to observe how they are talking with themselves in the Present moment.

During the podcast Paul shares some personal insight from his childhood and how he was able to shift from being hard on himself to becoming more supportive, empathetic, loving and accepting.  It is through these reflections that Paul provides the necessary tools and tips to improve self-talk in the Present moment.

If you, or someone you know, finds that their self-talk is often critical, sharp, filled with expectations and negativity this podcast will certainly be applicable.  Please remember that this is a process and can take some time to master.  So be patient, persistent and use your Presence tools.  Before you know it a shift will take place where you'll become more positive and Present towards and with yourself.

Please check out the rest of the "Are You Being Present?" podcasts series on our website, iTunes and YouTube!  

Remember you have a choice.  Choose to be present!

self talk,presence,being present,are you being present,introspection,healing,ego,peace,mindful,mindfulness,paul ross kerzner,paul kerzner,are you present,be present,present,talk to youself,talk with yourself,

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