
Economic Collapse Confirmed! $14 Trillion Dollar Darkness Of Consumer Debt 2019 Stock Market CRASH!

Economic Collapse Confirmed! $14 Trillion Dollar Darkness Of Consumer Debt 2019 Stock Market CRASH! The evidence that the U.S. economy has already entered the next economic collapse is continues to grow.  All of the economic numbers that we have been getting lately have been bad, and yet so many of the “experts” continue to claim that the U.S. economy is in great shape. Approximately 40 percent of average hard working Americans felt that an economic crisis had either already begun or would begin very soon, but none of the “experts” felt that way.

And we had better hope that the economy can hold up, because a different survey has found that 71 percent of all Americans say that they “ are unprepared for another financial collapse and stock market crash ”

Today, 59 percent of all Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and U.S. consumer debt just soared to $14 trillion dollar record high. People are partying when they should be preparing, and this new economic downturn is going to catch most of us completely off guard. Right now, America is on a highly self-destructive path that only leads to economic oblivion.  We are 22 trillion dollars in debt, we have been adding more than a trillion dollars a year to the national debt for more than a decade, state and local governments are drowning in record levels of debt, corporate debt has more than doubled since the last financial crisis, U.S. consumers are almost 14 trillion dollars in debt, and the world as a whole is now 244 trillion dollars in debt.

If we keep doing the same things over and over again, we are going to keep getting the same results.
Under our current system, there is no way that this game is going to end well for any of us.  The only thing left to do is to extend the party for as long as possible, and that is precisely what our politicians have been doing for a long time. But at some point “extend and pretend” simply won’t work anymore, and a day of reckoning for America will finally arrive. Are you prepared for the next stock market crash and economic meltdown?

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