
Trump's Impeachment Might Be Getting Closer (HBO)

Trump's Impeachment Might Be Getting Closer (HBO) Wednesday was supposed to be the day that Democrats and the president put aside their partisan fights to focus on doing something they both really want to do — fix the nation's crumbling infrastructure.

President Trump has wanted to do this since he started his administration. Democrats have been eager to do it for years. Trump has said often he's happy to work with Democrats on a proposal even some members of the GOP might not like. Democrats have said they're happy to work with him on infrastructure even though they really do not like him very much.

Wednesday was also the day that House Democrats who want to impeach the president forced a closed-door meeting of the Democratic caucus to discuss getting impeachment underway. Trump has been blocking House investigations, adding fuel to the simmering call for impeachment that began after the Mueller Report was released in its redacted form. House Democratic leadership, for the most part, has been against impeachment — they think it's an electoral loser.

Everyone not working at the White House or for the House Democrats were looking for some kind of sign indicating if Trump and the Democrats can work together on infrastructure even as they stand off over investigations and impeachment.

Fortunately, there was a very clear sign taped to the President's lectern at an impromptu press conference following a meeting between Trump and Democratic leadership. The sign said, in part, "No Collusion." It did not say "yes infrastructure."

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VICE News,VICE News Tonight,VICE on HBO,news,vice video,vice news 2019,Trump's Impeachment Might Be Getting Closer,nancy pelosi,trump impeachment,race to 2020,the i-word,impeachment dare,no collusion,russia investigation,mueller report,democratic leadership,donald trump,clinton,president trump,politics,politicians,republicans,house investigations,GOP,white house,

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