
"All the Ways We Are Similar" #Soc119

This is a short segment from an introductory class on race and culture that is taught by Dr. Sam Richards at Penn State University. Today's video comes from the twenty-ninth class on April 23, 2019:

Feel free to participate in the chat space and interact with students in the classroom by using the #soc119 hashtag on Twitter. But please be kind. Remember, this is a classroom.

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The artist of the song used in this video has given SOC119 the permission to use the song however the video editors see fit. Support the artist by clicking this link:

Video Tags (Ignore): Sociology, Soc119, Soc 119, Soc, Penn State, PSU, Penn State University, Sam Richards, Sam, Richards, Dr Sam Richards, Dr. Sam Richards, Race, Ethnic, Relations, Race and Ethnic Relations, Live Stream, Livestream, Live on YouTube, similar, similarities, are we more different, are we more similar, similarity, same, same as others, we are one

Sociology,Soc119,Soc 119,Soc,Penn State,PSU,Penn State University,Sam Richards,Sam,Richards,Dr Sam Richards,Dr. Sam Richards,Race,Ethnic,Relations,Race and Ethnic Relations,Live Stream,Livestream,Live on YouTube,similar,similarities,are we more different,are we more similar,similarity,same,same as others,we are one,

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