
McConnell Drops The Hammer On Pelosi, Scoffs At Her ’Nonexistent‘ Leverage

McConnell Drops The Hammer On Pelosi, Scoffs At Her ’Nonexistent‘ Leverage Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell continues to defy Nancy Pelosi who with her withholding of the two articles of impeachment has tried to extort the Senate and failed.

Madame Speaker and her media mouthpieces have been waging a propaganda war against McConnell by accusing him of running a rigged trial in order to influence the process but the Kentucky Republican isn't budging an inch.

McConnell once again slammed the lid on Pelosi's dirty tricks and scoffed at her futile effort at what is now a clearly failed power grab.

On Wednesday, the top Senate Republican took to the floor to reiterate that he isn't about to allow Democrats to hijack the trail of President Trump and scoffed at her perceived "leverage" by swatting it away as "nonexistent."

Via Politico, "McConnell rejects Pelosi's request for impeachment trial demands":

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell rebuffed Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s demands for him to immediately sketch out the procedure for President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, dragging out the stalemate between the two congressional leaders and leaving no end in sight.

McConnell (R-Ky.) has already rounded up the votes to move the trial forward without Democratic votes in the Senate. And in a speech on Wednesday morning responding to Pelosi's (D-Calif.) refusal to transmit the articles to the Senate, McConnell said “there will be no haggling” with the House over the contours of the trial.

“Speaker Pelosi wanted leverage -- leverage -- to reach in to the Senate and dictate our trial proceedings to us. Now I’ve made clear from the beginning that no such leverage exists. It is nonexistent. And yesterday we made clear it will never exist,” McConnell said. “The House Democrats’ turn is over. The Senate has made its decision.”

By making it clear that the House scheme to unfairly lynch Trump has hit a brick wall, the Majority Leader emphasized that the Senate will proceed just as it did during the last impeachment trial when Bill Clinton was in the dock.

In rebuffing the power-drunk Pelosi, McConnell also sent a warning shot whistling across her bow regarding witnesses:

‘The 1999 precedent does not guarantee witnesses or foreclose witnesses. Let me say that again: it neither guarantees witnesses nor forecloses witnesses. It leaves those determinations until later in the trial where they belong.

‘I fully expect the parties will raise questions about witnesses at the appropriate time. I would remind my friends on the other side: I strongly suspect that not all the potential witnesses would be people the Democrats are eager to hear from.

Joe and Hunter Biden, come on down and bring the so-called "whistleblower" with you.

In the clearest signal yet that Pelosi has massively overreached with her gambit, top Senate Democrats including Dianne Feinstein are beginning to call for an end to the delay.

This does not bode well for the Pelosi-Schiff-Nadler triad - when they have lost Di Fi due to their stupid impeachment tricks the game is over.

With President Trump on the way to a quick acquittal, it's back to the drawing board for Pelosi and her fellow House schemers but the clock is ticking down until they are booted out of power come November.

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