In this video a cheap ESP32 camera is interfaced and used to display real-time video on my huge ping pong LED wall. With some additional video processing nice visuals and interactive animations are created. A custom programming circuit is used to simplify the programming of the ESP32-Cam.
code (more on that soon):
Links to the parts (affiliate links): Programmer (as soon it approved by tindie):
ESP32 Cam (~$6):
Set of Tweezers ($3):
Flux ($3 for two):
Soldering Mat ($8):
Ultrasonic Cleaner ($50):
RGB LED chain lights ($8 / 50LEDs):
Ping Pong Balls ($8.50 for 150):
My camera and lens (4k 60fps):
plz share :-)
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#electronics #diy #ledwall
maker,diy,tutorial,esp32,esp8266,electronics,iot,tinkering,project,coding,arduino,platform io,microcontroller,espcam,camera,video,ping pong,led wall,video wall,real-time,effects,colors,video effects,art,video art,art installation interactive,art installation,esp32-cam,esp32 tutorial,esp32 camera,esp32 cam,esp32 camera streaming,esp32 camera module,