
Andrew Neil shocked as Clive Lewis claims he would not drop ONE 'brilliant' Corbyn policy - News 24

Andrew Neil shocked as Clive Lewis claims he would not drop ONE 'brilliant' Corbyn policy  - News 24 Thanks for watching my video.
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For any copyright, please send me a message.  Clive Lewis joined BBC’s Andrew Neil to discuss his bid for the Labour leadership. The MP found himself in the hot seat when he repeatedly refused to reveal which policy he would drop from the 2019 election manifesto. Mr Lewis was accused of being a “continuity Jeremy Corbyn” candidate, as he had also been a vocal supporter of the current leader since the beginning. He said: “Individually, I thought the vast majority of those policies I was supportive of. “I think there’s a good deal of that manifesto, especially around the Green New Deal, which I thought was brilliant. “I think what needs to be done is you need to ensure that the policies have support from the ground up, that they’re democratically debated, some of them might change. “If you give members of the public a chance to have a say in that policy process, that could change them.”  Mr Neil accused the Labour leadership candidate of being “continuity Corbyn” because he refused to say one thing he would drop from the 2019 manifesto. Mr Lewis replied: “You can start from the position of where the manifesto is now, but when you go out to consult, when you go out to include members in the process, you may find that some things change.” At the time of writing, he has just two backers out of the 202 Labour MPs. He needs 22 by Monday to get onto the ballot paper as the first stage of the process.  Mr Lewis has floated the idea of an electoral alliance in 2024 around proportional representation and House of Lords reform. He also called for an open, internationalist left leadership. He was supportive of remaining in the EU, and told the BBC host that he thought Labour should have been “even more Remain” during the election campaign.  Trending  The contest for the new Labour leader will formally begin on Tuesday with the winner announced on April 4, the party's ruling body has decided. Those who join the party or become affiliated supporters before 20 January will be eligible to vote. Registered supporters - who are not full party members - will have 48 hours from 14-16 January to secure a vote by paying £25.

Labour Party,Jeremy Corbyn,BBC,

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