
A Few Advantages of Using Webpack in Your Next Project

A Few Advantages of Using Webpack in Your Next Project Let's look at a code base before and after using Webpack and talk about the pros and cons.

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Time stamps:

- 1:14 -- What is Webpack and what does it do?
- 2:19 -- Having a bunch of CSS and JS links will make your page load slower
- 7:20 -- Having all of your JS in 1 file is hard to maintain
- 7:43 -- Sometimes you need to make judgment calls based on complexity
- 8:30 -- In my opinion Webpack is leading the pack for build tools
- 9:55 -- Using Webpack lets you cut down on web requests and speeds up your site
- 10:36 -- Taking a quick look at organizing your files with Webpack
- 11:09 -- Using SASS to make your CSS more maintainable and flexible
- 12:25 -- SASS variables and functions make customizing Bootstrap super easy
- 17:22 -- Using SASS lets you easily comment out unused Bootstrap elements
- 18:11 -- ES6 JavaScript makes JavaScript a lot more tolerable
- 20:44 -- A quick recap on a few Webpack advantages and how you can use it


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Webpack,JavaScript,ES6,CSS,SCSS,SASS,Flask,Web Development,

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