
Trust - What It's Like to Be Me

Trust - What It's Like to Be Me Lyrics:

Wake up in the morning, at the crack of dawn,

notice that there's something potentially wrong,

get up walk to the window, look to nowhere,

turn around and see myself laying there,

get freaked out run straight to my mother,

stop and realize that I see no color,

start to breakdown and begin to shake,

what did this, what happened, did I break,

this was just in the 7th grade,

I didn't know it was a sign that I'd be weighed,

down for the rest of my natural life,

even though I never cared for others strife,

get back up, I told myself,

I don't need anyones fuckin help

I am just a soul without a real body,

thought it would help me, to pick up some hobbies,

wish I knew what it was like to be free,

If it were my choice I'd make the rich slave to me,

they run the world and they hold the keys,

one day they'll know what it's like to be me,

get back up, I told myself,

just wish I felt a little remorse,

for the people around me, do they see,

I'm not even cut, but I still bleed,

looking for the real source, of emotions

wish I talked to my sisters more,

used to be pretty close, they forget sometimes

that's fine, they have lives, too

I'm just hoping that they knew,

them and my parents are the main reason,

that I pull through, thank you,

for being there, I swear I'd be gone, if it

weren't for all of you,

attempt to adjust my world view,

try my hardest to win but,

I always seem to lose,

my life isn't even that bad,

when compared to others,

it's the chemicals in my brain,

that are making me suffer,

I tried to pay attention in class,

yeah tried so hard but barely passed,

teachers didn't help, they just watched,

always felt so fucking lost,

we need a reform, for education,

more vacations, for mental health,

health is wealth, lay the foundation,

for a new world, of aspirations,

we need to look at the causation,

of greed, destroyed the world,

people will always mislead, others,

there's just so many wonders, for us to explore,

maybe it's us, we are the problem in general,

knock everyone down a level,

if nothing else works, maybe we should all,

think about meeting the devil,

It'd save the earth for sure,

rid the world of poison,

we kill the land for just a moment,

of motherfuckin enjoyment,

laugh to myself, going insane,

why don't we know how we were made,

is god real, nobody knows yet,

how could we let, churches guide us,

act like jesus is the same,

as water being wet,

there's a difference though,

at least we can see water,

there's people in the world,

that think it's okay to cheat, take a

seat, it destroys people, lies and deceit,

it makes the person as hard as concrete,

when I was young I wanted to play,

sports, soccer, baseball, seemed to,

pull me in close like a,

gravitational force,

my family at the time,

couldn't afford it, I'll admit,

it wasn't just that, I fell flat,

lost my drive and never went back, I hope

I am not alone,

I want you to see, vent my problems,

to the listeners, and give examples of

what its like, to be me,


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