Jump ahead to:
05:10 - Lamborghini demo: Simulating computer graphics with NVIDIA RTX
10:11 - HPC milestones: Computation at petascale levels
17:36 - Accelerating the full stack of HPC
23:24 - HPC expanding in every direction
27:09 - AlexNet and BERT: Incredible advances in AI
40:07 - AI for science demo: Accelerating simulation
50:33 - Streaming AI
1:02:33 - Building supercomputers in the cloud
1:06:30 - Detecting neutrinos using cloud simulation
1:13:21 - World's largest on-demand supercomputer - NVIDIA GPUs on Azure cloud
1:21:22 - Introducing NVIDIA HPC reference platform for Arm-based servers
1:26:39 - VMD demo - molecular visualization tool
1:30:08 - Announcing NVIDIA Magnum IO
1:41:14 - Mars lander demo
1:47:47 - Wrapping up