
My Twin Sister Died As A Hero And Now I Remained All Alone

My Twin Sister Died As A Hero And Now I Remained All Alone Hello! My name is Soraya. A few weeks ago I celebrated my fifteenth birthday. My parents and friends did their best to make this day really special for me... but they did not succeed. I spent most of this day crying in my room, with the door locked from the inside. You want to know why? Because this was supposed to be a special day, not only for me, but also for my twin sister. But she is dead now.

My sister's name was Fawzia ... oh, it is almost unbearable for me to use past tense when talking about her. Fawzia tragically died about six months ago. I miss her so much! And I hope you will be able to sympathize with me.

The only ones who can really understand me are people who also have a twin brother or sister. Only they know how it feels – to have a friend by your side from the very moment you are born into this world. Or maybe even earlier. What an amazing experience, it is unlike anything else in life! I know that some people don’t get along well with their siblings, even with their twin sisters or brothers, but this was not the story with me and Fawzia. We were both so happy. Nobody has ever had a better sister than I did.

Although Fawzia and I were twins, we were not at all alike. I mean from the inside, since our personalities were totally different. As for the outside, we were two almost identical girls, only Fawzia was one and a half inches taller. Attempting to make her two identical girls look different, our mother always made sure that we wore different hairstyles from very early childhood, but dad still occasionally confused us. Fawzia was fifteen minutes older than me — my mother used to joke that it was my sister who paved the way for me into this world. And, you know, it was true. Fawzia was fifteen minutes older and, apparently, these fifteen minutes made all the difference.
And Fawzia was always ahead of me for these fifteen minutes! While my sister was confident and decisive, I was often shy and timid, while she was ready to act, I had doubts for a long time. Fawzia started talking before me. Fawzia mastered reading and writing faster, especially when we were learning our mother tongue. And so it was like this in almost everything. But, you know, my sister did not put any pressure on me at all despite her total superiority. On the contrary, when Fawzia was learning something new, the first thing she was hurrying to do was to share her newly acquired skills with me. For example, my sister was the first from the two of us who learned how to ride a bicycle. And the day when Fawzia taught me how to ride a bike still remains one of the brightest moments of my childhood.
When we were ten years old, dad got his girls presents – each of us got a bicycle. Unfortunately, he did not have time to teach us how to ride them. Our family is not rich, and mom does not work since she takes care of the house, which takes a lot of time, so dad has to work very hard to make sure that his family lives a decent life. So we had to learn how to ride our bicycles by ourselves. And again, it was not a problem for Fawzia, she quickly learned to ride. But I didn’t succeed. I approached my father and asked him to help, but he never had time for it. I was very upset and after I had fallen down again, I left my bike in the street, and hid in the backyard bushes — I did not want anyone to see me cry. After some time, my sister found me. Fawzia hugged me, cheered me up, and offered to help. Of course, Fawzia’s attempts to put me on a bike were very awkward, because we were both just kids. I often fell, sometimes together with the bike, landing right on Fawzia. But after many scratches and bruises for both of us, I finally... succeeded. I did it! And it was all thanks to my older sister. I confidently drove a whole circle along our street, and it was a real victory for both my sister and I. I was so happy at that moment... But now I hate bicycles fiercely, and there is a reason for that.

This... what happened to Fawzia happened during an unexpected tornado. Our family lives in a city where natural disasters are not uncommon, but then this was the first storm of the year, which struck very unexpectedly. Neither I, nor my family, were notified of the impending threat and we were not ready for it. If my parents knew about the danger in advance, they would never have let their daughters go outside... Mom and Dad could no longer have children, we were the only ones. And they always spoiled and cherished me and Fawzia a lot, sometimes even too much for our age, at least that's what both of us thought. But this time, everything happened unexpectedly.

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