

MOVEMENT; THE MOST VITAL INSTRUMENT You move in directions that seem to be less important and think that you should just stop and not make any move again because you cannot see the good in it. You choose things out of will and feel that your success is not determined by how well you can navigate your way. You have to think again because for everyone to get to that point where you can say to yourself that you have indeed achieved something you have to understand that you ought to keep moving forward.

So many people do not understand that the vital part of success is movement and they tend to remain in one position saying to themselves that what they know is the best way out of every situation forgetting the fact everything you think you know becomes obsolete if you do not move out of your comfort zone and learn new trends or ways of doing things.

Nobody says that you cannot be a master of your craft or a lord of your dynasty but what is important is that you must learn how to ensure that the vital part of success which is movement is not taken for granted.

Check all top businessmen/women who we term to be successful and you will discover that they kept moving and learning new ways to do things and that is exactly what made them prosperous.

For everything you know how to do, there are a million or more people who know how to do them but what gives you an edge is how mindful you are in moving.

"Take action! An inch of movement will bring you closer to your goals than a mile of intention".-Steve Maraboli



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