
How To Love Yourself And Be Confident

How To Love Yourself And Be Confident How To Love Yourself And Be Confident - Three Practical Ways

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How to love yourself and be confident. In this video, I'm going to share with you three unconventional tips that if you implement and practice into your, in your life every single day, you will start to love yourself naturally. And through that self-love will come the confidence that you've been seeking all your life. Okay? So without further ado, let's get right into it.

so one of the main reasons you currently don't love yourself is because you have bought into a lot of delusion that the world has sold to you, right? Like if you are this type of person, then you can be happy, then you are good and you're worth something. But if you're not this person, this image that you know everyone should chase after, then you're not worth anything and you should feel bad about yourself.

And so one of the main reasons, you know, we find ourselves in a position where we are like, I don't even love myself. You know, who even am I to go for my dreams? It's because we're constantly chasing this image, trying to be this ideal person that doesn't even exist. And we're venturing off of our own true path. What makes us amazing, what we truly enjoy in life, right? We've, we venture off of that individual path and we start to chase this image that the world is trying to paint for us.

And on that path we face all sorts of friction. And you know, obviously you find yourself in a place where you're like, damn, where do I even belong? And you start to have all those negative thoughts and then you believe in their reality and you start to end up in a place where you're like, I don't even love myself. Trust me. I've been there. You know, even before I started this journey with personal mastery request, I would always just try to compare myself to my peers. Always tried to be better than them.

All my goals were derived from my needs to fit this particular type of image of success and wellbeing. But through this journey and through unraveling so many of these false mental con concepts, over the past few years, I've realized that that image is such like a, it's all delusion. You know, people will spend their entire lives chasing that image while completely being unhappy in this present moment.

And even when they just say get there, they are still unhappy. And throughout the process they face countless friction and you know, they end up in a place where it's actually like, I don't love myself. I don't love my life. So how to avoid all of that, right? Number one, if you find yourself in a really difficult place, again, you have ventured off of your own individuality. So to get back on that path, you need to educate yourself. You need to educate yourself, not in university books, but actual books that point you towards your true power, your true potential. Along with that, you need to meditate. Okay?

So let's get into both of these real quick. You need to start reading self Betterman books because they will help you build your confidence. It's not something that happens overnight, right? Because I'm not into temporary solutions and quick relief.

I'm into long term solutions, lasting transformation. So start with this. If you don't love yourself right now, there's a reason for that. You know your current habits. And everything and the way that you currently think about yourself.

So in order to start thinking different thoughts about yourself and believing in the possibility that you may also have it within you, that you can achieve your dreams, that you can be confident you to start with self betterment books and starting. Obviously you're listening to videos like this on YouTube, but start by self betterment books and just educate yourself about what is possible for you. All these self betterment books, right on the surface. They're just telling you like all these little techniques and whatnot, but on a deeper level, they're all pointing you to your power within. And so try to venture off away from like the outside and go to the power within...

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Music by Chris Zabriskie

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