
How do we get Lyme Disease? | #aumsum

How do we get Lyme Disease? | #aumsum Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi which ticks carry in their gut. When a tick bites us, it first injects its saliva. This saliva prevents blood clotting and even suppresses pain, thus keeping us unaware of the intrusion. Now, once the saliva is injected, the tick begins to suck our blood. When our blood enters the tick’s gut, it makes the bacterium active. Once active, the bacterium travels from the tick’s gut to its salivary glands, and then it enters into our body, where it slowly begins to multiply, thus causing Lyme disease.

Now, it is important to note that it takes at least 24 hours for the bacterium to travel from the tick’s gut into our body. Hence, the longer the tick is attached, the more you are at risk.

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