
Growth Is The Reason You're Here...

Growth Is The Reason You're Here... You may not realize it, but you're here with us at Heal Your Autism because you're looking to grow into the life you've always wanted.

But, you've found that your growth has slowed because you're ill. That's why we started this page.

We've been growing and now want to help you reach your recovery. That's the biggest reason why you chose to go on a helaing journey. You wanted to solve the problem of your ill health.

But, you couldn't fix your health without a little mental, emotional and spiritual growing first...

So, wade in to tonight's episode and feel the love!

~Mark & Michelle @ Heal Your Autism

Mark and Michelle Hedges have been married 25 years. For the first 19 years of the marriage, Mark was an undiagnosed autistic. In 2013 and for the next 6 years they went on the GAPS Diet and then the Medical Medium protocol to heal Michelle's autoimmune issues and heal Mark's autism. It worked!

We offer a group coaching program and one on one consultations to get you on your way to healing!

Get your free ebook, "Buried Alive: One Man's Journey Out Of Autism" at

We also have a book called "Heal Your Autism's Do-It-Yourself Guide: Healing Begins in Your Kitchen", a step by step teaching guide on how we do the healing diet complete with links to what you need to buy, how to travel and eat, and a meal planning guide.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @healyourautism.

healing autism,autism recovery,autism,growth and healing,medical medium,

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