
Black Dot Analogy & What it Means for Your Career

Black Dot Analogy & What it Means for Your Career #careersuccess #careergrowth #careeropportunities #careerplanning #careerbuilder

So, see this bit of paper. Okay? Even if you're watching the replay, I really want you to tell me what it is that you see, okay? It's really, really important for a number of reasons. Just going to get my pen. Okay. So, tell me in the comments, and I'm going to pause and wait for some of you, whether it's now or commenting now or in the replay. Tell me what you see on this page. If you're here and live, and I'll wait for some of you who are watching the replay, tell me what you see on this piece of paper. Anyone?

I think everybody's on lunch, or everyone might be finishing off work or doing Christmas shopping. Tell me what you see on this piece of paper, and I'm going to explain something. Do you see the black dot? Or do you see everything else, right?

You know what's really cool here, and this is what I'm going to teach you, I'm going to get to the point now. When you look at this piece of paper, if you see the black dot, guess what? You're missing everything else. Now, hand on heart, when I looked at this piece of paper and I ... I was talking to someone about this analogy the other day. When they drew the black dot and I looked at it, I actually saw all the white space. So, you either see the black dot or you see the white space.
Now, probably without me even explaining this, you're going to know where I'm coming from in regards to why and what it means. So, if you're seeing the black dot, it means you can't see everything else going on around you. You're just seeing what you want to see and what you're focused on. Can you see where I'm going with this? The power is amazing. If you don't see the black dot because it's only minuscule and you're seeing everything else, it means that you're able to see through a view of opportunity that there's so many other things, there's so much other stuff going on here and not just that little black dot but the whole lot around it.

Do you see how cool that is? Do you see how powerful that is? I think it's wicked, and I had to share it with you guys today because when you're searching for a job or whether you're applying for jobs and you're seeing the type of job that you should be going for and you're visualizing what you think it might be that, you'd want to make sure that that black dot is right. All right?

So, let's just say your experience is in retail, so you're going for jobs that are in retail because that's all you know. That's all you can see. That's all you're seeing. That there is going to hinder you. You could be admin, right? You could be sales. You could be customer service. If you're looking everywhere else outside of the black dot, do you not see the power of the opportunity? The power of the fact that there are so many other options besides what you're actually looking at all the time.
This is what I help with, but I'm just trying to get you guys to see and do a test yourself. Do a test on your family and friends, and put a black dot in the center of a white page and say, "Okay, guys, what do you see?" Hands down, 90% will say the black dot, and that's not good because that's holding them back. That's making them see or that's showing that they can only see one opportunity, one vision, and the blinkers are on. Take the blinkers off. If people are saying that they see the white space and only the little bit lack of the dot, which is hardly there, but they see this blank page, that's where you want to be. You want to be thinking that there's opportunity all around there, that there's empty space. I just really love this guys, and I wanted to share it with you out there.

Black Dot Analogy & What it Means for Your Career,careersuccess,careergrowth,careeropportunities,careerplanning,careerbuilder,

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