The Tribunal’s order in Safina’s case ignores the status of women in India who often have little or no documentation before they are married. News reports show that the draft #NRC released in December 2017, had left out 2.7 million married women who were unable to prove a blood link to their parents. A majority of them were married #Muslim women.
Read Safina's story -
The fate of over 1.9 million people who have been left out of the National Register of Citizens in Assam now rests with the Foreigners Tribunals.
If 100 #ForeignersTribunals, can create such a havoc, leaving thousands stateless, imagine what can happen if a national NRC is implemented.
Amnesty India's report #DesignedToExclude shows how India's Courts are allowing Foreigners Tribunals to render people stateless.
Read the report here: