The "Jabardasth" Katharnak Comedy Show is a popular Telugu TV comedy show, rated "excellent" among Telugu, broadcast on ETV channel, in Telugu States, India. The show was first telecast on ETV on 7 February 2013, featuring popular Telugu film industry actor and producer Nagendra Babu and Telugu film actress and politician Roja. #Jabardasth #Aadhi, #Abhi #Nagababu #Roja
etv shows,eenadu television,padutha theeyaga,super2,dhee Jodi,jabardasth,extra jabardsth,etv20,etv comedy show,extra jabardasth,naga babu,roja,anchor anasuya,rashmi,dhanraj,chandra,venu,chanti,dhana dhan dhanraj,comedy short films,chamak chandra,chalaki chanti,raghava,rocket raghava,roller raghu,venu wonders,comedy skits in telugu,telugu comedy tracks,allari harish,yedukondalu,