Along CTE Braddell road to YCK Exit.
Spotted this vehicle SMK4952P on CTE with his lights off, I saw many drivers flashing their lights at him to turn his lights on only to realise not only are his lights off, but he was also swerving in and out of his lanes. I caught up to him and recorded this video with my hazard lights on to warn other road users of this guy's behavior...He got into countless close calls with many vehicles on the road and ran a few red lights when he exits the highway, he also drove over a kerb along Yio Chu Kang Road which punctured his tires...at the same time using his mobile phone to text when driving.
I stopped recording the video because I had to make a call to the police. The police over the phone wasn't very helpful, he kept telling me to stop following the driver and told me they'll call me back if they need any further assistance in tracking him down..But I refuse to let this guy get away as I know he have a PHV label on his car, there's a high chance his car was rented and it would take time for the police to even find out where he lives as they will need to get in contact with the rental company first. I followed him home to make sure he doesn't get into any accident or hit & run. When I caught up to him at his carpark he reeks of alcohol smell and keeps denying he was drunk. A fellow witness who was washing his car at the carpark saw what happened and came over to help because the driver kept shouting vulgarities. He called the police and gave them the address of the drunk driver, the police showed up shortly but I didn't stayed long enough to see if they arrest the man who was already home..
In the photo attached you can see the driver parked in a motorcycle lot and he hit the pillar as he was parking, he left his passenger side windows open and went home.. When the police showed up they could smell the alcohol in the car too but I was told in order to charge him for drink driving they need to apprehend him on the spot behind the wheel. Even when i show them my video it doesn't do much.
I followed him for 20minutes until he reached his house in Sengkang.