
Does Getting An Ex Back Ever Really Work?

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Does Getting An Ex Back Ever Really Work?

So, I have some good news and some bad news with whether getting an ex back works or not.

The good news is that, yes it does work. I have written many articles, recorded videos about how I believe that myself and my team have the best strategies and success rates doing this. Yes, it is possible to get your ex back and it can work.

That’s the good news, now here’s the bad news.

Up to 50% of success stories end up breaking up again within three months, the thing is when you have a large audience you get a lot of data. We interview our clients who were in on-again and off-again relationships, to think of the reasons they broke up again.

We learned some very interesting things, we learned that some people who get back together end up breaking up over the same reasons they did the first-time ad they continued to plague the relationship.

The other interesting thing we noticed with people who got back together and broke up again is that one of the people in the relationship would self-destruct and worry about the same things happening again. Where the low self-esteem or the worry of not wanting to break up again would then it would happen.

The third thing that we found was that the couples that got back together did so out of comfort, it turned out that playing the field wasn’t as easy as they thought. Where when the couple realised it was harder to meet someone else, they would cycle back to each other. So, it is important not to go back to an ex because of comfort, make sure you’re doing it out of real love.

So, does getting back together with your ex ever work?

If you want to get back together for good then there are three questions you need to consider before you get back with your ex...

#1 – Are you getting back because your ex feels like the only option
The reason you get back with an ex should be because of real love, not because of comfort with them.

#2 – Were The Two Of You Together Long Enough To Create A Long Lasting Connection?
When we interviewed couples, who got back together and broke up again were not together that long in the first place, which makes sense as there wasn’t enough time to build a strong connection where as a long-term relationship did.

#3 – Were You Physically Or Emotionally Abused?
Here is where the stereotype does hold, “An ex is an ex for a reason” there are definitely circumstances where you should not get back with an ex, ones who are physically or emotionally abusive. It is hard to make that decision with logic rather than emotional where in these situations you need to stay away from people who did these terrible things to you.

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