Bollywood stars Hrithik Roshan, Alia Bhatt, Kajol and Rani Mukerji were seen at Durga Puja pandals, seeking blessings of the goddess. While Hrithik -- who is enjoying the success of his film War -- was seen at the pandal with father Rakesh Roshan, Kajol was accompanied by sister Tanishaa Mukerji and mother Tanuja. She was also joined by Rani Mukerji and they were seen posing together for photos.
Alia visited the pandal dressed in a red sari, accessorised with jhumkas and a bindi.
Hrithik was seen in causal shirt, tshirt and denims combo and was accompanied by his father Rakesh Roshan. Hrithik had recently said that his father -- who underwent treatment for cancer -- was doing well now and will soon start work on his next film.
They were the celebrity guests at one of Mumbai's oldest pujos, the North Bombay Sarbojanin Durga Puja Samiti, organised by filmmaker Ayan Mukerji's father Deb Mukerji.
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