

WARNING!!! SPEED LIMIT REDUCED TO 20MPH THROUGHOUT MOST OF LONDON "Apparently 20mph is plenty for 2020" - is that some kind of gimmick??

20mph used to be for when you are passing schools, animal zones, special sites, ramps, kids crossing etc., but not anymore.. apparently 20mph is the new 30mph.

For those who have lost children to speeding, I can understand how they would be happy with the lowering, but most people who get killed on the roads, are being the drivers are really speeding... not doing 30mph.. I could be wrong!

Anyway, thank you so much for stopping by and listening to my channel. I do hope you find my videos interesting and informative, and if you do, please like, share and subscribe to support this channel.

It may seem as though I do not specialise in any subject in particular, because I give my opinion on various topics, but you will notice that the common denominator is that I share information that I believe will be useful to you, but which may slip under the radar because it is not discussed on mainstream media.

The inspiration for this video and the source of the information can be found IN Friday 6 September Evening Standard (Page 2): the money raised will go to the government not City Hall.

I tend to discuss updates on immigration issues, social concerns, new legislation, or media highlights that I feel I can compliment with commentary and opinion, so as to make it useful, relevant and entertaining.

A special thank you to my subscribers and those who have left comments, and especially those who have told me that my videos have helped them. I appreciate all your comments and feedback.

if you have a topic you would like me to look into, please email me at Meanwhile, I will continue to update you and share things that I believe may be relevant and helpful.

My quarterly magazine, you can read the editions for free online at but there is a fee for downloading.

The information in my videos are very general in nature and designed to be for edutainment and awareness raising only. The information is not designed to be used for legal purposes and makes no claims of any type of utility for that purpose.

My videos can be over-simplified, so please do your own research when it comes to any news, regulations and legislation I mention in my videos.

It is important that you know that the information I give does not constitute legal advice, as not all the facts are known – so you should retain an attorney/lawyer/solicitor to review all the facts specific to your case, in order to receive advice specific to you. The information I share, does not create a Professional Expert/client relationship.

Please ensure lawyers are registered with the Office of Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC), because they regulate immigration advisers, and make sure they meet certain standards. You find find recommended immigration lawyers on, Citizens Advice Bureau or the Home Office website.


I am happy to research and respond to any concerns you have (within reason), Please email your question to, which is a secure email address.

Thank you.

Kind regards and nuff blessings,


Blackbright News,Politics,UK Law,Crime,injustice,speeding limits,penalties,infractions,c-charge zone,congestion charge,20mph,30mph,40mph,50mph,recalibrated cameras,Central London,Sadiq,

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