
Seems I might be in a bit of trouble here.

Seems I might be in a bit of trouble here. It would appear the toe gremlin has struck while I snoozed. I awoke to a surprise, well I don’t know if surprise is a good way to put it. My toes are in a bit of trouble here they are padlocked together and can’t seem to get free. And if that is not bad enough I have no idea what the combinations are to unlock the Padlocks that have a hold around my toes at the moment. So at the moment it looks as if I will be wearing Padlocks around my toes for awhile till I can get them off my toes. I have tried to slide my toes out from the locks and they are too tight fitting and my toes look to have swollen up so that isn’t gonna work I’m afraid. So my toes are in a bit of a bind they are stuck wearing Padlocks around them since there is no way of escaping the Padlocks. Thanks for watching.


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