
New Super Mario Bros [DS]: Castle Hassle

New Super Mario Bros [DS]: Castle Hassle A long time ago, a certain someone was recording a playthrough that would ultimately be dropped due to his 2013 skill-depleted self being burnt out from playing games after a long, long summer of Mega Man action.

Even though NSMB was scrapped, we did get to the very end. Thing is, I'd rather come back to it fresh and play with a bit more planning going in and style shown down the road. Before deleting the footage outright, I figured I'd throw down the DS' nine castle runs since that song is pretty dang underrated, yo. Plus, this led to all the other Mario runs we've done on the channel that have turned out okay!

Still, this is somewhat painful to watch again in spots, like until around World 7 in spots. Oops.


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