
Negotiations - How to Say 'No' Politely

Negotiations - How to Say 'No' Politely Negotiations - How to Say "No" Politely

That's the best ever thing how to say NO during the negotiation and safe the relationship.
How to say no and still safe the negotiation. How to say no and still close the deal. How to say no and push your turms.

In Tanzania for the second time. Bought lots of souvenirs the first time, including one of the many mass produced masks. Not interested in more than salad spoons this time. So as the tuck pulled into Lake Manyara I told myself that this would be a perfect time to practice good positional haggling. I resolved not to commit to buying anything. Then, to my surprise, as the truck pulled to a halt, in the very back of the stall next to which the truck was rolling to a stop, I saw a genuine African dancing mask, apparently quite similar to ones I had seen in expensive Johannesburg shops for $300 and $400 and more. So I immediately averted my eyes.

As I climbed down from the truck, however, there was the shopkeeper, mask in hand, saying Alt is a beautiful mask, isn=t it@ C Legitimacy and interest
A Yes it is, @ I said. A What are you asking for it? @ Commitment
A $90, the shopkeeper said. C Commitment
I replied Alt is certainly worth it, but that is more than I am looking to spend today, so why don=t I look at some another items@ This by the way, was true. C degree of interest.

A Well, @ he said, A What would you offer me for it? @Commitment
A Really, I don=t want to say. The mask is worth more than I want to spend today. Any number mention would be an insult. You should wait for a buyer who can pay what it worth. @ C Relationship/ interest in selling.
A Listen @ he said, as for you I will sell it for $75 @ Commitment, relationship
A Thank you. It is a beautiful mask, and I=m sure you can find someone who will pay at least that@ C Relationship, legitimacy and degree of interest.
A Well, @he said A let’s discuss it over Coke @ And them he called for a boy to get a Coke. A Pole, Pole @ C relationship and BATNA
A You know, @he said, A I found that mask in Rwanda, and carried it all the way back here on foot. @ Legitimacy, interest manipulation by telling a story.
Then Carol, the Wife of a friend, interrupted, asking the price of a piece of cloth. The shopkeeper said, A For the wife of my friend, it is a gift. @ C relationship, BATNA
A No, no! @I said, alarmed. A She is not my wife.
A Ah well, @ he said. And then, Al tell you want, for you I will sell the mask for $60 @ C relationship
A I=m embarrassed. I really cannot afford the mask. @ C relationship, BATNA
A All right, $50 @ Commitment; relationship?
A No really, it=s too little. Someone else will pay more. @ relationship, his BATNA
A How much are you looking to spend today? @ C Aspiration level (Interest)

A I am reluctant to say for fear that you will her it as an offer on the mask @
A Tell me
A Well, maybe $20 or $30 at the most @
A $20! That is less than I paid for the mask.
A I know That’s why I=m not offering so little.
A Well, $40 then.
Al really can=t pay more than $30, and the mask is worth more. @
A All right, $35
A I feel terrible, but $30 is the most I can afford. Please let me look at some other items. @ And I turned away.
A Ok, Ok $30
A are you sure? @
Alt=s Ok I know you will appreciate it. Now, what else would you like to buy? @!!

Negotiation,Say No,Keep the deal,say no politely,

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