
My 7 Favorite Spiritually Growing Books|Pick A CARD Find out your soul steps to heal

My 7 Favorite Spiritually Growing Books|Pick A CARD Find out your soul steps to heal Hello Unicorns! yes its a reupload I SHOULD HAVE WAITED LAST NIGHT BUT OH WELL LOL
Todays video I’m sharing my favorite books that help me spiritually mentally and physically in the most positive and effective ways, towards the end of my video is a 'pick a card' reading. im using my orkaral cards for healing, Pick the card you're most drawn to, to find out ‘Whats Your Healing Journey?’! Once you've picked, skip ahead to the timestamp below where I reveal what it is...

🔮Time Stamps:
⭐Card 1: 16:24
🌙Card 2: 18:43
✨Card 3: 22:56

Thanks so much for watching !

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