
Best Time period to do remedies- When planets visit you

Best Time period to do remedies- When planets visit you To Join predictive astrology course-

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We all want to do remedies to get rid of all negatives of our life and there is a particular time to remedy and this is natural timing of the chart when planets allow us to do remedies.This is one of the most important and unique concept of astrology which i have given out- When we pray to certain deity that Planet do visit us to bless us and give us chance to correct our mistakes.

About me-
I am an underwater robotics engineer, Astrology always attracted me as being born in Brahmin family in the lineage of lord Bhrighu-Astrology came naturally due to the culture at home, I am the 7th generation in a family who is related to Astrology or Ayurveda, I have learned under guidance of several people and I thank all of them from bottom of my heart.

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