The kybalion states, "The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open." It's fitting that there are seven principles as seven is a mystical number with a very special place in numerology.
However, of the seven hermetic principles, I believe that the first principle, that of mentalism, is most profound. It forms the basis of all metaphysical science and mysticism. It allows for the existence of magic, LoA, alchemy, and all manner of psychic and paranormal phenomena. This is because the principle of mentalism elevates the mind and eliminates the gap that exists between our consciousness and the apparent external, material universe.
The principle of mentalism tells us that all is connected. Physicality is an illusion. The carnal realm is an illusion. All is mind. Or, as we say in metaphysical science, all is psychic thought energy.
Since the universe is mental (psychic thought energy), it is possible for us to manipulate any and all aspects of the universe with our minds. The sheer force of our will is enough to manifest all manner of things. Alchemy becomes real because now we understand that we are really talking about mental alchemy, mental transmutation. Magic becomes possible. The magician (or witch, metaphysician, sorceror, mystic, etc) is able to work miracles and perform the seemingly impossible. But nothing is impossible with the Principle of Mentalism.
In the major arcana of the tarot, i belive that there are a few cards which best represent the hermetic principle of mentalism.
The first is Card One The Magician.
The magician is the master mystic and metaphysician. He is a master of the law of Attraction. This is not an illusionist like in the much older tarot decks. This magician practices real magic. This is the magician of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn amd other like esoteric mystery schools.
Look at his posture: embodying the second hermetic principle of correspondence, as above, so below. As below, so above. The right hand path is the spiritual path. The left hand path is the path of carnal desire and materialism. It's fitting then that with his right hand holding the wand he is pointing up towards heaven and with his left hand he is pointing down towards the material earthly realm.
The Magician is harnessing power from the higher, mental, spiritual realm to enforce his will and manifest his desires in the material realm. His success in Manifestation is evidenced by the abundance of flowering in the card. Also, look at the table. Here we see all four suits of the tarot, all four elements, and he has mastered them all as well as the Principle of gender inherent in the elements.
The Magician bridges the gap between the mental and carnal realm. He eliminates the gap. Truly, all is mind. The universe is mental. Real magic is possible. The colors of his robes allude to this as well. The white of the inner garment signifies spirituality while the red outter robe signifies passion and desire. He is manifesting carnal wants and needs through higher mental powers.
Even his belt is the ouroboros symbolizing oneness, renewal and infinity. The headband alludes to the mystical power of the mind. Again, all is mind. All is connected. Mental power is spiritual power is true power is eternal.
The Hermetic Principle of mentalism is also represented, i believe, by card seven the chariot.
To me, the chariot is a card exemplifying will power. The charioteer is in the carnal, physical, material dimension here. And yet, he has no physical reins to drive the chariot.
The hermetic principle of polarity is represented by the black and white sphinxes. Through mental alchemy the charioteer is able to manipulate and control the sphinxes. It is through sheer will and mental power that he is able to forge his own path. All is connected. All is mind. The universe is mental.
Lastly, I'd like to look at card nine the Hermit as i believe this card also exemplifies the Principle of mentalism.
The hermit is a card of introspection and meditation. He retreats from the world yet he is not desolate. He carries his staff for stability and support and his lantern for mystical wisdom.
If truly the all is mind and the universe is mental, then the hermits own mind is all he needs to experience any and all things. The more he withdraws within himself the more powerful he becomes. Above the ice it seems barren yet beneath the ice things are manifesting, ready to burst forth at the coming of Spring.