
Russian Proposal for Gulf Security - Press Conference (8 August 2019)

Russian Proposal for Gulf Security - Press Conference (8 August 2019) Russian Ambassador Dmitry Polyanskiy today (8 Aug) presented a proposal for the creation of a “security and cooperation organization in the Persian Gulf that would include, in addition to the Gulf countries, Russia, China, the USA, the EU, India, and other stakeholders as observers or associated members.”

Polyanskiy expressed hope that this organization “will contribute to pacifying spirits, and pacifying tensions in this very important section of our globe.”

He said the Russian Federation is “ready to work with everybody who would like to contribute to it. It’s a starting point for our discussions.”

The Russian Ambassador noted that “before the United States decided to withdraw” from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) “there were no problems from transportation of oil in this region,” and added that “solutions to this issue may not lie in physical field, but in some confidence-building measures and of course negotiations and dialogue between all thee concerned parties.”

Polyanskiy also responded to a statement issued earlier in the day by the representatives of Belgium, France, Germany, Poland, United Kingdom, and the United States, expressing regret for the lack of progress on conflict resolution between Russia and Georgia since the signing of two agreements eleven years ago.

He said, “Georgia paid a very big price for the tragic mistake committed by former President Mikheil Saakashvili and we see that the only way to make relations in the Caucasus is prosper and to ease all the tensions is now through the dialogue between Georgia and two independent states that we acknowledged, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Of course, we also can be part of this discussions.”

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