PZ9 claims to be the best fighter from Project Zorgo after having a lot of epic ninja battle royale's against Chad Wild Clay, Vy Qwaint, Daniel and Regina, but in today's video we discovered a new ninja when he has an epic ninja battle against a Project Zorgo hacker! Who is this new ninja? Where did he come from? Why does he battle a Project Zorgo hacker? And could this be the ninja to finally defeat PZ9 and force him to reveal his face?
PZ9 has his very own YouTube channel called PZ9 THE BEST FIGHTER!
His channel Description says this:
"I am PZ9 The Best Fighter. I used to be a Project Zorgo member but after they abandoned me in the spirit tunnels I realized there are only three hackers I can trust; Me, Myself, and I!
I'm going to take control of YouTube and make myself the boss! Hahahah! Yeah, the Spy Ninjas Chad Wild Clay, Vy Qwaint, Daniel PZ1 & Regina PZ4 are trying to stop me but I have some tricks up my sleeve."
So it seems PZ9 thinks he is the best fighter, but we all know Chad could defeat PZ9 in a ninja battle royale anytime!
⭐⭐⭐CWC DECODER Wheel -
💠💠Project Zorgo and The Destiny Stones Playlist💠💠
Project Zorgo Prank Calls
Check out JellyBeanTV!
Check out PZ9's new channel (PZ9 THE BEST FIGHTER) here:
Check out Chad Wild Clay's latest video here -
CWC vs HACKER PZ9 in Pancake Art Challenge Battle Royale - Whatever You Draw I'll Buy It in 24 Hours
Here's Vy Qwaint's latest video:
LAST TO SINK WINS $10,000 CHALLENGE (DIY BOAT vs Hacker PZ9 Reveals Safe House to Project Zorgo)
Thank you for watching our PG entertainment family friendly comedy videos for kids in 2019!
#PZ9 #ProjectZorgo #MegaSquad