The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Wednesday arrested former finance minister P Chidambaram after much efforts which had the CBI officers climbing walls to enter Chidambaram's home. Chidambaram was arrested in the INX Media case, in which he has been accused of wrongdoing, money laundering and misusing the post of finance minister. The man who once held the portfolios of home and finance ministry spent the night at the CBI lockup after he evaded arrest for 24 hours. Since Tuesday night, the nation witnessed a chase as both the CBI and the Enforcement Directorate attempted and failed to arrest P Chidambaram even as his lawyers claimed that he was at their office. P Chidambaram was finally arrested from his residence on Wednesday night after his counsels failed to get an urgent hearing in the SC seeking a stay of High Court order. #Chidambaram #INXMediaCase
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