The first three pieces of document that you will come by are when you first get to the delphi house. There will be a point when tje phone starts to ring. At this point you will be given an option to either go down a hallway or answer the phone. Choose to answer the phone and after you hang up you will be given another choice to either go out the front door or go through a side room that has writing on the door. Choose to go through the side room and the first 2 documents you will find are in the desk to the left. One is the letter in the type writer and the other is a notepad in the top left draw. Before you leave the desk geab the key in the top right draw. After that head to the cage amd unlock it with the key then go through the filing cabnint and pull out another document. Skim over the document and after you exit it you will be forced out the room.
The next document is