People marry for eternity.
Why do people get divorced, what actually happens?
There are certain reasons that cause divorce. Negative emotions, like betrayal,
humiliation or abuse destroy the relationship.
The most known trust issues that cause divorce:
1. Adultery
2. Domestic abuse
3. Financial abuse
Letting go of the heaviness and the emotional toxins, to clean the emotions is very important.
The emotional detoxification should include the letting go of:
Fear of unworthiness
Feeling unworthy of finding love
Fear of betrayal
Closing the heart
Loneliness, depression
Free yourself from the subconscious and mental baggage, is it possible to find true love!
Before that: you have to be in love with yourself, you have to accept your own self, appreciate your own self!
During the separation of the parents, the children are getting negatively affected as well. Relationship problems get passed down from generations to generations.
Therefore the emotional detoxification for children is also very necessary.
Your marital satisfaction feeling comes from an Oxycontin receptor.
Relationship problems and separation are damaging these oxytocin receptors, but you can heal the damaged oxytocin receptors by acknowledging parents’ and grandparents’ grief, the losses of love and releasing it, so you can move on with new Oxycontin receptors and you can have marital satisfaction in your life, you can experience that you are worthy of receiving love and have a wonderful relationship in your life.
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