
Patience (channeled from my guides)

Patience (channeled from my guides) Patience is a must in your universe. it decodes the vibratory persistence of the constant mind control. It is purely a conduit to enhance your ability to cope. It is exemplified by Buddha and Jesus. How many times are you able to cope with something or someone who interrupts you? How are you able to entertain those that dishonor you? It is this incredible tool that you have available to you at all times. Use it and use it often. It has never been quantified that using it brings happiness or joy but it does. Many of us don’t truly understand its power for it is extremely powerful to practice it. Doing so will make your journey more peaceful. Understand that not all can use this tool, for those that don’t will whither away in frustration lowering their vibration. It is necessary to become aware of your feelings in order to practice it. It is a teacher of sorts. It opens up a new way of seeing things. This will enhance your ability to see all the available options. It might even help you see all the angles to a problem that might have felt unsolvable.It is an incredible tool to use in your daily lives. The more you use it, the more transform your life will be.


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