
Overcome Worry And Doubt Quickly: Relaxing Self-Hypnosis Meditation To Stop Stress & Relieve Anxiety

Overcome Worry And Doubt Quickly: Relaxing Self-Hypnosis Meditation To Stop Stress & Relieve Anxiety Your FREE Gift:
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Overcome Worry And Doubt Quickly: Relaxing Self-Hypnosis Meditation To Stop Stress & Relieve Anxiety

Worries, doubts, and anxieties are a normal part of life. It's natural to worry about an unpaid bill, an upcoming job interview, or a first date.

But "normal" worry becomes excessive when it's persistent and uncontrollable.

You worry every day about many different things, you can't get anxious thoughts out of your head, and it interferes with your daily life.

Constant worrying, negative thinking, and always expecting the worst can take a toll on your emotional and physical health.

It can leave you feeling restless and jumpy, cause insomnia, headaches, stomach problems, and muscle tension, and make it difficult to concentrate at work or school.

You may take your negative feelings out on the people closest to you, self-medicate with alcohol or drugs, or try to distract yourself by zoning out in front of screens.

Chronic worrying can also be a major symptom of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), a common anxiety disorder that involves tension, nervousness, and a general feeling of unease that colors your whole life.

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Why do I worry excessively?
If you suffer from chronic anxiety and worries, chances are you look at the world in ways that make it seem more threatening than it really is.

For example, you may overestimate the possibility that things will turn out badly, jump immediately to worst-case scenarios, or treat every anxious thought as if it were fact.

You may also discredit your own ability to handle life's problems, assuming you'll fall apart at the first sign of trouble. These irrational, pessimistic attitudes are known as cognitive distortions.

Why is it so hard to stop worrying?
While cognitive distortions aren't based on reality, they're difficult to give up because they're often part of a lifelong pattern of thinking that's become so automatic you're not even completely aware of it.

You may think that worrying will eventually help you to find a solution to a problem or prevent you from being surprised by anything that happens in the future.

You may think that worrying protects you in some way or even equate it with being responsible or caring.

In order to stop worry and anxiety for good, though, you need to give up the belief that your worrying serves a positive purpose.

Once you realize that worrying is the problem, not the solution, you can turn off anxious thoughts and regain control of your worried mind.

Hypnosis can be used for healing in two ways...

First, you can use hypnosis to get into a deeply relaxed state, fighting tension and triggering your relaxation response. This will help to prevent health problems due to chronic stress.

Next, hypnosis can also help you achieve various healthy lifestyle changes that can reduce the amount of stress you encounter in your life.

For example, you can hypnotize yourself to stick to an exercise program, keep your home less cluttered, feel more confident setting boundaries with others, etc.

You can use hypnosis to reduce the level of anxiety you feel when you encounter situations that normally trigger stress as well, such as intimidating social situations.

In this same vein, you can also effectively use hypnosis to help overcome any negative habits you’ve been using to cope with stress, like smoking or compulsive eating.

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