
Look Within to Understand Creating Consciously in the Present Moment

Look Within to Understand Creating Consciously in the Present Moment This Higher Self channeled video begins with a guided meditation carrying you deeper into the fullness of your Spiritual Self - your state of Awareness (Sat), Intelligence (Chit), and Creative Energy (Ananda).

After this guided meditation, the Higher Self teaches you how to navigate your experience as a creative consciousness within your human reality. You will receive help understanding:
* when to work on the parts of your body, mind and emotions, and when to remain as the state of being awareness
* how arrive in the present moment creating here and now
* when to enter into the thought stream in order to transform it
* how to understand the deeper emotions that drive your choices and actions
* how to find the deepest parts of your psyche that exist at the beginning of your thoughts, emotions and actions
* the free will choice you always have to choose and create the experiences you desire
* the reflective nature of the inner self (mind, emotions, psyche) and outer world (physical body, physical world, life events)

Enjoy this Higher Self channeled teaching. May it support you in your own personal journey of awakening.

Blessings and Love.

Satsang with the Self video series by Channel Higher Self

July 28, 2019

Look Within to Understand Creating Consciously in the Present Moment

The Higher Self Teachings are presented by Lincoln Gergar, the channel for Higher Self. Since 2007 Lincoln has shared nearly 2,000 free spiritual teachings to help human beings evolve on their spiritual paths. The Higher Self Teachings provide a direct spiritual path that will connect you to your Higher Self, increase your experience of Divine Love, eternal peace and creative power. The Higher Self is our Inner Guru, our connection to God Within.

* Channel Higher Self main website:

* Satsang with the Self YouTube series:

* Personal Higher Self Channeling sessions:

* Books, CDs, Videos & Workshops:

Higher Self,conscious creation,manifestation,understanding the mind,emotional healing,self-realization,spiritual awakening,

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