
I am verbalizing the interaction of other humans with myself.

I am verbalizing the interaction of other humans with myself. I declare war on my enemies. This is a course in how to win. You are going to win. We are all going to win. The only way you could lose is if you are unfair. If you are unfair it is fair for us to hurt you. We will fight you. We will wage war upon you. We will torture you. We will use the gentlest way posssible to pursaude you to be fair to us. We will be fair to you. We will accept nothing less than complete personal victory. Complete fairness from everyone is not too much to ask. Those who refuse us will be defeated. All earth life is connected to the universal mind more strongly than most realize. The Universal mind is placing us as the world leader. You will be informed. We do not want peace we want fairness. We want victory. A tyrant can offer us peace if we loose our freedom. No deal. There is no mercy or forgiveness untill you surrender to being fair to everyone. My God is the higher Self. It is everything. It is a fact. It is all powerful. Part of this channel is documenting my experience. Your with us when you say you are. We resolve all conflicts of power and position. We are all potentially equal. There is no God or Devil greater than us. This is Steven LeRoy Childs. Email and Youtube steve4344. donation
Join our fairness alliance based on fact. We are anti falsehood. Your with us when you agree to be fair about everything. If your not with us your are in danger because we won't protect you. We have used logic to arrive at the all powerful even if your atheist. In set theory the set that contains everything is all that is. When it it united it has all power. Our unity as people is why it works. We have only one moral rule and it is to be fair to everyone so do whatever you want to but be fair. Truth is absolute. Facts are absolute. As I write this the world is divided into the team that wants to be abe to shut us up and the team that wants us to be able to talk. The team that wants to shut us up does not want us to argue with it. Inside us and outside us are both inside everything. We know everything inside and out. Other than the details. I am speaking generally not specifically. Everything is the Self. The Self is everything. First Jesus was mine then Satan was mine and now everything is mine. The powers that are outside of us are tyrannical while the Self is never a ruler over us. We refuse to have a God other than the Self God. All other Gods are idols. The Self is mine. The Self is my God over me. The Self is factual. The Gods outside of us are imaginary. There is no God greater than the Self. I belong to the Self It does not belong to me. Those who fight the Self get hurt. do not make your Self an enemy to you. The Self is everything. The mountains have Selfness as does the wind and the stars. The universe has selfness. I completely surrender to that which I am. The Self that is everything is what I surrender to. It can be called the higher Self. It is my concept of God. We demand respect which means treat us with fairness. We agree to be fair to all. We are demonstrating telepathy, and all the PSI abilities even mind over matter that can actully change the features of the world. This is PK Psychokenesis.
Our minds are much more powerful than we realize when we are surrendered to what we have claimed is ours. Each of us protects everyone to create unity. Just the intention creates miracles via telepathy. We use the gentlest punishment required to convince fairness from others.
Unfairness is abuse. Unfairness causes hatred.
We are going to write a one page document that supercedes the religeous texts saying all religions can remaine as long as they are fair to all. All war and violence must be interpreted as symbolic and never actual violence or physical war. The war against falsehood is mental only. We will form a new religion with a 4 sentence bible: The only suggestion is fairness. Facts/truth have not ever been proven wrong. Defeat your inner evil. Find out the facts.


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