I'm using Beast as an example since he's about to realize potential. You can skip from 3:15 to 8:04 if you don't wish to watch the WB fight.
First off these 2 conditions must be met
-The character MUST BE TIER-2
-The character must be available to realize Potential (Meaning Netmarble cares and actually updated said character)
1. Fight in World Boss or World Boss Ultimate with the character that can realize there potential in the party and win. (Cannot be in the allies party. MUST BE IN THE MAIN PARTY)
2. Once that character reaches 100% (You'll know) that character can realize his/her/it's Potential
3. Go to that character's stat's screen and click realize potential.
4. Now you can begin the real fun which is gathering enough materials and gold to build that character's LVL to LVL 70. (It's even more costly than building a WB or Jean Grey.)
Sidenote: Do not fight in World Boss Beginner or World Boss Invasion to realize potential as it will not work.
Not Covered - To reach Tier 3.
I don't know all the requirements but you'll need different set of materials, be lvl 70, and likely raise your gear to LVL 30.
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