
寵物為什麼會生病?Why and How our Pets Get Sick?

寵物為什麼會生病?Why and How our Pets Get Sick? 從能量角度看寵物生病這件事

Energetically, we are all connected and intertwined.
So are our pets and us. If we are ill (energetically imbalanced) and have emotional or energy blockage, our pets could more easily get sick too.
Usually, animals don’t get sick easily. They get sick because of our imbalanced energy state. And moreover, they can undertake our negative energy burden. They are our angels in disguise.
To improve their health, we need to improve ours first.
But it’s not to blame on ourselves. Everyone has some sort of negativity, the dark side. It’s about embracing it, accepting it as it is. Look at it differently. Then we can transcend the darkness into light and love.


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