
"Knitting" Bots: Talk About Google's Forbidden Topics without Going Broke

Stephen Green finds a way to talk about one of Google's forbidden topics without going broke. He's forced to refer to certain companion robots as "knitting" bots to avoid getting flagged and demonetized for appealing to prurient interests. Together with Bill Whittle and Scott Ott, Steve examines the benefits and drawbacks of these high-tech "knitting bots" while trying to avoid Google and YouTube's secret defamation.

If you think we need more free speech, not less, join the people who made this show. They run their own private blog away from Google's prying eyes at

Google,YouTube,Bill Whittle,Scott Ott,Stephen Green,knitting bots,,American Spectator,fertility rate,Phillipines,Southeast Asia,Paula Bolyard,Google ads,Mountain View,Google censorship,Google demonetized,Facebook,Pinterest,pro-life,secret defamation,forbidden topics,going broke,talk,prurient interests,slaves,companion robots,sin,good person,

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