
DP Ruto: My Life is in DANGER.. They want to FINISH me!

DP Ruto: My Life is in DANGER.. They want to FINISH me! It's more than three years till the next election but the political atmosphere seems like what goes on during the last leg of a presidential campaign. Have you watched the news lately?

On one side is Deputy Pesident William Ruto and the other, let's face it, his boss Uhuru Kenyatta and now President's closest ally Raila Odinga thanks to the March 2018 handshake.. In short it's Hustler versus the world.

Now, Zipo has learnt that on Monday morning, four Cabinet Secretaries.. Let me say that again for those who missed it.. 4 CSs from the Mt. Kenya region have been summoned to record statements over claims of plotting against DP Ruto's 2022 presidential bid.

Zipo has establishes that those who have already gone or are expected to visit the Karura-based DCI headquarters over allegatins to kill the DP are;

1. ICT Cabinet Secretary Joe Mucheru
2. Trade, Industry and Cooperatives CS Peter Munya
3. Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development CS James Macharia.
4. Health Ministry CS Sicily Kariuki

There is no doubt the 2022 race is slowly but steadily shaping out to be the most dramatic presidential race ever in the history of Kenyan politics, and it's all thanks to Mr Ruto, a son of a peasant..

Well, I'm not taking sides here but here is my unsolicited advice to his political enemies.. Your antics are really not helping you.. if anything they're shaping Mr Ruto as a victim.. and we know what underdogs do in an election. They win!

This comes barely days after a telephone conversation between Jubilee Party Secretary General Raphael Tuju and Kieleweke politician George Nyanja leaked.. the two were plotting on how to soil the DP's name using the happenings in Eldoret during the 2007 post-election fracas.

I hope you're ready for the ride as we approach the finish line in about three years or so.. We definitely will be here to share with you all the details as they break. Just a small request though, click on the red button below the video to subscribe to the channel and leave the rest to us.


William Ruto,DP Ruto,Uhuru Kanyatta,2022,

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