
co-construction in a commonplace

co-construction in a commonplace a practical exploration as part of my dissertation for BA (Hons) Dance Studies at the University of Roehampton

a score that explores how pedestrian movement can contribute to enhancing the spectator experience, upon arrival audience members were asked to contribute one pedestrian action to the piece e.g. walking, checking the time, they wrote these down on white squares of paper, which are what you can see present in the space during the video, the first time the performers read these was during the performance. the spectators were invited to sit either in the performance space or the raked seating, removing the physical barrier between performer and spectator. through use of pedestrian movement it blurs the line between performer and spectator and allows for a relaxed and enjoyable spectator experience, different to the experience that is expected in a conventional performance set-up.

choreography: francesca willmott
performers: ellie mountford, pip thackwray, danielle starling, kelly thomas, ioanna georgopolou
accompaniment: aleph aguiar

contemporay dance,dissertation,degree,collaboration,guitar,roehampton university,choreography,improvisation,perform,

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