
Angular 8 2019 | What is Component in Angular Application

Angular 8 2019 | What is Component in Angular Application I this video we are going to understand what is a component with a practical example

Component like a lego pices in angular application If you don't know how to put them together properly you are not going to build any thing cool

over the next few minuts we are going to learn how to generate the component in side angular application
and How to put them together to define a view

what is a component

Components are the fundamental building blocks of Angular applications. They display data on the screen, listen for user input,
and take action based on that input.

A component is nothing but is a class with a view template and a Decorator. In simple words we can say that.
A component is composed of three things


Defines the user interface So it contains HTML, Directive and Data Binding

class contains the view logic of the template as we know HTML is not a programming laguage so we write the logic inside the component class.
So like other object oriented programming laguage class contains property and methods. So normally property contains data for the templates
and method contains the the logic for the views. In angular we use typscripts for for defining the classes

And finally decorator which is provided angular we will use @Component decorator which adds addition metadata to the class. Once we add the
@component decorator to the class that classs becomes Components

Selector we can use with three different way
In-line template

In-line css

Nesting the component

Selector is basically a custom tag that can be use to represent a component

Angular,angular tutorial,angular tutorials,component in angular,components in angular,Component,angular 8 tutorial,angular 8 tutorial for beginners,Template,class,Decorator,What is Component in Angular,

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