Gonna travel around Sri Lanka? Before you request a room, make sure the “hotel” you’re at even offers sleeping accommodations! Yep, not every hotel in Sri Lanka is a place you can sleep at! But you'll definitely get a smile and a menu there. Speaking about food, Sri Lankan moms see cooking as their privilege and will wake up at 5 a.m. to make lunch-to-go for every family member!
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Celebrating the full moon 0:28
Shaking their head as a sign of agreement 1:04
One word for many emotions 1:44
Beethoven means breakfast time! 2:19
The birthplace of cinnamon 2:45
March Madness 3:12
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Roomless hotels 4:35
Serious tea business 5:25
Powered by water 6:09
The largest Christmas tree in the world 6:30
Smashing coconuts 7:00
Female prime minister 7:34
Who to thank for the word "serendipity" 7:53
#SriLanka #Asia #brightside
Music by Epidemic Sound
- Every single full moon (or “Poya”) is officially a public holiday, which makes Sri Lanka the #1 country in the world when it comes to frequency of holidays.
- If you ask someone in Sri Lanka if the weather’s going to be good today and they start shaking their head, it means “Yeah, it’ll be a nice day!”
- Whenever you’re talking to a Sri Lankan, throw a casual “aiyo” and they’ll be impressed!
- If you go to Sri Lanka, you’ll hear Beethoven’s “Für Elise” in the streets every morning. Bread trucks (or “tuk tuks”) have chosen it as their anthem for some reason.
- Now, it might’ve been made popular by the ancient Egyptians, but the first cinnamon in the world comes from the central hills of Sri Lanka.
- Cricket is more than just a sport in Sri Lanka – it’s a way of life! And, of course, a favorite pastime for millions, from school kids to their grandparents!
- If you’re an avid tea drinker, chances are you’re sipping on some warm Sri Lankan greetings every day. The island country is 4th on the list of top tea-exporting countries, making $721 million in 2018 alone!
- Hydropower used to make up over 50% of all the power used in Sri Lanka.
- The tallest Christmas tree in the world was registered by Guinness World Records in Sri Lanka in 2017. It stood at 236 feet (72 m) tall.
- In July 1960, Sirimavo Bandaranaike became the first female head of government in the world.
- Sri Lanka was once known as “Serendip” to the Arabs and Persians. Back in 1754, English writer Horace Walpole came across this word in the title of a Persian fairy tale, The Three Princes of Serendip, and loved it.
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